There's No Place Like Home

Maintaining the Benefits of Home Health Care Services in a Pandemic

As we struggle to make sense of Covid-19's unpredictable world, it feels like we've fallen from a tornado into the land of Oz. We are in an unprecedented situation, and it is difficult to know who to trust or what to expect. Though we don’t have to worry about flying monkeys, we take very seriously the health and safety risks this pandemic poses to our community, patients and their loved ones and we know the home health aides of St. Clare’s Home Health Services can continue to provide certified in home health care to you or your loved ones even (and especially) throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this uncertain time, the benefits of in home health care are numerous. Certified home care allows you or your loved one to remain comfortable while receiving convenient and essential care.

This lack of public interaction, although less hazardous, does have its drawbacks. Many persons with specific medical needs are not receiving the socialization that allows them to thrive. St. Clare’s home health aides understand that in home health care does not refer exclusively to short-term nursing services such as physical and occupational therapy, although these services can be provided for chronic conditions and current diseases. These dedicated experts can also provide compassionate companionship and hospitality, as well as respectful support and assistance with necessary activities such as bathing and dressing all in the comfort and convenience of you or your loved one's home.

Addressing the legitimate concern about having someone from outside enter the home, St. Clare has implemented new procedures and added precautions to accommodate additional needs during Covid-19, such as consistent staffing, where you or your loved one can trust that the same certified nurse will provide quality in home health care with each visit, limiting the number of entrants into a living space.

Having modified their own behaviors to respond to the pandemic, St. Clare’s home health care aides can assist you or your loved one in crafting a pandemic action plan which includes additional cautionary behaviors to better protect from infection, such as regular hand washing and sanitizing often used surfaces. By using their expertise and ofollowing CDC guidelines to help patients help themselves, these dedicated professionals help maintain the independence that you or your loved one depend on.

In assessing the practice of in home health care services, it becomes clear that the benefits outweigh the associated risks. By allowing you or your loved one the convenience of remaining comfortable at home while receiving essential care, St. Clare's home health aides can not only increase quality of life, but they can also decrease risk of infection.

We tend to view our home as an untouched refuge, our place safe from the unknowns of the world, our somewhere over the rainbow. But for those with specific medical needs, the world must be let in occasionally to assist in addressing those needs when those needs cannot be fully addressed without assistance.

In such a situation, St. Clare’s home health aides are an ideal companion for in home health care services. By bringing their support, their brains, their heart, and their courage to you and your loved ones, as well as an attitude of compassion, respect, and hospitality, they demonstrate that, as far as health care services go, truly, there's no place like home.


A Personal Approach to Home Health Services


Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information